Dear Joseph, I am so, so

Dear Joseph, I am so, so sorry to hear this. I cannot tell you how much your father has impacted my life. Your mother too, but especially your father. He truly was one of a kind. I’m so thankful that I was able to be at TENT as recently as I was. Please give my […]

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Dear Friends of Partners International

Dear Friends of Partners International and Joshua Vision India, It is will both a joyous and grieving heart that I share with you that early yesterday morning, our beloved Dr. B.E. Vijayam, the founder and leader of the Joshua Vision India ministry, passed on to be with the Lord in glory. The son of a […]

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Dear Joe, It was a

Dear Joe, It was a glorious time as we attended Vijayam uncle’s funeral. God was saying that we will be faithful to stand with you for the vision uncle has seeded and seen it grown. May the covenant which God made with your family be a blessing for generations to come and the vision be […]

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Dear Joseph, How my

Dear Joseph, How my heart goes out to you, to your dear mother Mary, and to the members of your family as well as the JVI/TENT ministry team in this time of bereavement. I cherish so many memories of walking the TENT campus with your father, interacting over meals, and benefiting from his deep biblical […]

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Dr Vijayam has lived a

Dr Vijayam has lived a very productive and meaningful life and contributed significantly for the cause of Christian missions in India. I have had several interactions with him while being at SAIACS and recommended one of my students to lead the TENT ministries. We will certainly miss him but we know that he is in […]

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Dear Joseph, We celebrate the life

Dear Joseph, We celebrate the life of your Father! B.E. Vijiam did so much to develop India, first as a Petroleum Engineer and then as God’s Engineer to establish the Joshua Centre and train tens of thousands of Leaders and point them to the Unreached People Groups. We celebrate because B.E. has finished his race […]

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